


携帯電話は何十年もかけて進化し、性能は何百倍にもなったが、バッテリーの消費電力は伸び悩んでいる。 スマートフォンの消費電力は増加する一方で、バッテリーが追いつかないため、人々は携帯電話のバッテリーの持ちを良くするために様々な複雑な方法を取らなければならない。 Round LCD財布を持っているかどうかを心配する代わりに、携帯電話の電力が足りているかどうかを心配するようになり、多くの人は当然、携帯電話の機能である休止画面表示について、この機能に電力がかかるのかどうかという疑問を持つようになった。
休憩画面表示(Always On Display)この研究と技術開発は何も新しいものではありません、早くもノキアの時代に表示され始めている、技術的な問題は、UNB video wall主に携帯電話の画面特性に依存することにより、最も早いこの技術は、液晶画面を使用して、携帯電話市場の大半のアプリケーション上の有機EL画面の携帯電話にのみであり、私たちにこのシステムの機能を楽しむことはできません学習している。
この機能も主に効率と省エネのために準備されています。 私たちは通常、未読のメッセージや通知を表示するには、携帯電話のロックを解除する必要があります。Industrial LCD ブリージング・スクリーン・ディスプレイをオンにすると、未読のメッセージや通知があるかどうかを確認するために、携帯電話のロックを頻繁に解除する必要がなくなります。 この機能により、一定時間、より多くの時間を節約でき、またある程度の節電にもなる。
まず、現在携帯電話に使われているOLEDスクリーンの原理を理解する必要がある。OLEDスクリーンは、光の個々のピクセルで構成されている。 白黒の画像を表示する場合、黒い部分の画素は自動的にオフになり、発光しない。 白いコンテンツを表示する場合は、白色光を発する必要のある画素が白色光を発する。
情報画面に表示される文字の画素が発光し、それ以外の画素は非発光であることを除けば、情報画面表示の原理は同じである。 電力を消費する画素はわずかで、消費電力はほとんど無視できる。
わが国では、多くのユーザーが情報画面表示の社会的機能を好んでいるため、他のメーカーも液晶画面を搭載した携帯電話にこの機能を設計している。 私たちは、液晶画面の一般的な動作原理を理解することができ、我々は、緑色のプラスチック紙は、緑色の光を発する照射する白色光を使用し、液晶画面は、この基本原理を研究するためにも似ている、バックライトパネルの内部制御を介して液晶層は、光の独自の異なる色を発するように光をろ過した。
バックライトパネルは、画面が表示されるときにもスイッチをオンにする必要があり、バックライトパネルは液晶画面の中で最も電力を消費する部分であるため、液晶携帯電話の画面表示機能は代わりに多くの電力を消費する。 LCDスクリーンプレーヤーは、画面表示機能を有効にするためにサードパーティのソフトウェアをダウンロードすることは推奨されていません。

OLEDスクリーンとLCDスクリーンとは? どのような利点がありますか?

Dermatologists can appeal: stop using shower wipes!

Dermatologists can appeal: stop using shower wipes!

Why don‘t doctors recommend towels?

First of all, the stratum corneum and lipid membrane on the skin surface together constitute the barrier layer of the skin, which can not only protect the body from external bacteria and viruses,kitchen scrubber manufacturer but also prevent the loss of water in the body.

If you regularly use a rough towel bath, rubbing the skin red, rubbing pain, is a mechanical damage to the skin barrier, is likely to destroy this protective film, make the skin sensitive and fragile, in addition to prone to dry itching, it also increases the risk of skin diseases.

Clinically, it is found that some adults are infected with molluscum contagiosum, commonly known as \"water boil\". Water boils usually appear in infants with weak immune system. People often take a bath with a towel, especially when scrubbing hard, the cuticle of the skin will be destroyed, which will reduce the resistance to viruses and increase the risk of skin diseases.

It is reported that Shu Chang, an attending dermatologist of Peking University Union Medical College Hospital, clearly stated in his personal Weibo that Vulcan virus can spread through direct contact, rubbing and scratching some slightly damaged skin, or called Vulcan autoimmunity. Contaminants on bath towels, coconut sponges or towels may also be one of the problems due to the spread of virus information.

Dr. Sun Qiuning suggested that the body can be coated with body wash, stay 3-5 minutes, and then rinse with water, and then the cuticle has softened, then gently scrub with a soft towel until“Muddy” down.

In fact, many doctors do not recommend the use of towels.

In an interview with Health Times in 2017, Hou Wei, director of the Oncology Department of Guang 'anmen Hospital of Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that the elderly should not bathe and dig graves too much.

The sebaceous glands of the elderly have entered a atrophic phase. Take a bath too frequently, rub hard, will wash off the secretion of grease, so that the skin loses its natural protective film, leading to skin itching.

Wu Xiaoping, deputy chief physician of the Department of Dermatology of Zhejiang People's Hospital, also pointed out in an article published in China Health Times in 2016 that keratin membrane is one of the protective barriers of skin. Its function is to reduce the evaporation of soil moisture, keep your skin moist, and at the same time, it can effectively resist the invasion of various microorganisms in society. If we take too many baths at ordinary times, this natural protective film will be destroyed, resulting in a lot of skin sensitivity and red blood. At the same time, it may aggravate dry skin and even induce itching.

The joints of the neck, ears, armpits, hands and feet -- areas that are usually sweaty but don't get washed regularly -- can be scrubbed, but not too much.

Pay attention to these when taking a shower!

In addition to using less towels, we have to pay attention to the following points when taking a bath!

The water temperature should be close to the body temperature.

In a 2014 interview with the Health Times, Lau Kong, a doctor at the Beijing Emergency Center, pointed out that the water temperature should be controlled when bathing, that is, the water temperature is close to the body temperature, that is, 35-37 °C.

Too high water temperature will destroy the oil on the skin surface, cause telangiectasia, aggravate skin dryness and increase the possibility of itching in the elderly. At the same time, too high temperature will increase the burden on the heart, because the blood vessels of the whole body skin are obviously expanded, so that a large amount of blood flows to the whole body skin, the blood flow of the heart and brain is reduced, and hypoxia occurs, which induces angina pectoris and myocardial infarction.

2. Duration: 15-20 minutes.

Liu Jiang also stressed that the shower or bath time should be short, 15 to 20 minutes.

Taking a bath for a long time will make people tired, easily lead to myocardial ischemia and hypoxia, causing coronary artery spasm, thrombosis, and even cause serious arrhythmia and sudden death. In addition, if the bath time is too long, the blood supply of the head will be reduced, easy to lead to cerebral ischemia and accidents.

3. Pay attention to the time sequence: wash your face-shower-shampoo.

Zhejiang Hospital vice director of the Department of Dermatology Dr. Wu Xiaoping pointed out that the bath should also pay attention to the order.

The first step is to wash your face, because the pores will expand rapidly after a hot bath. Wash your face first to prevent the pores on your face from being blocked by too much dust. Take a shower and wash your hair. First, it can avoid alternating hot and cold stimulation of cerebral blood circulation; Second, take a bath first, the scalp and hair will be moistened in steam, which is conducive to cleaning and scalp health.

4. Shower two hours before bed

Wu yueping, a doctor at the preventive health center of Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, told the health times that many people fall asleep immediately after a hot bath and feel that their calories have been stored, which is not a correct habit.

It is best to take a shower two hours before going to bed. I often feel sleepy after my body temperature drops. A hot shower will raise your body temperature and put your brain to sleep slowly.

5. It is not appropriate to take a bath immediately in the following different situations.

Dr. Wu Xiaoping, Deputy Director of the Department of Dermatology of Zhejiang Hospital, said, first of all, low blood pressure is not suitable for bathing, because the water temperature is very high when bathing, will make people's blood vessels dilate, people with low blood pressure are prone to collapse. Secondly, after taking a bath blood sugar can not be added in time, easy to feel dizzy, dizziness, weakness. After a full meal or when hungry, it can interfere with digestion or cause low blood sugar.


結果は 6ヶ月前に完全に母乳育児を止め、その理由を述べた500人の母親のうち、大多数(73.6%)が最初の6週間以内に止めている。最も多い理由は、母乳育児に伴う不便や疲労(22.6%)、母乳供給に関する懸念(21.6%)であった。
Iowa Extension Serviceによると、ティースプーン1杯の母乳には300万個の病原菌を殺す細胞が含まれているので、1日に1杯でも飲ませれば、とても貴重なのです。